Product Development Support


Where and how can test developers and companies get funding, technical assistance and secure necessary specimens/strains for test development and quality control?


  1. How do successful/profitable, as well as start-up companies, gain funding to support TB diagnostic development?
  2. Which are the key funding/donor agencies (e.g. NIH, BMGF, USAID, DFID, Wellcome) and what are their funding priorities in TB product development?
  3. If donors support product development, what are their expectations in terms of pricing, global access, IP, etc.?
  4. Which are the product development partnerships (e.g. FIND, PATH, IDRI) that can provide support with TB dx development and what are their criteria/conditions for providing support?
  5. Where can test developers get well-characterized specimens (including non-infectious artificial sputum), strains, sequences for DR mutations and BSL3 facilities?


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